Monday, September 27, 2010

little rant -- our depression

We are in a DEPRESSION. No one is willing to say it.

The RICH complain that their taxes on everything OVER $250,000.00 per year might be raised -- even though they would also benefit from lower taxes on anything UNDER $250,000.00.

That tells me everything under $250,000.00 is UNIMPORTANT to them. They must be making far more than $250,000.00 per year to be "hurt" so badly.

In other words, they are a bunch of nasty, crybaby, assholes (at the very least). This at a time when formerly middle class folks are celebrating their descent into poverty -- you know, those hard working good solid Americans who have always supported the system. The folks who thought THEY were "doing the right thing" -- they are now, officially, "losers" in the eyes of the still well to do.

They do not even know how to react.

In Europe, where workers still have some safeguards, where there is still a safety net -- they riot in the streets. Here in the USA, those "solid citizens" who are just beginning to realize how truly SCREWED they are do not (YET) know how to react.

As the truth hits home -- I think some of the currently "well to do" will join the losers. We will see what happens then.

It's going to be interesting -- after all, neither political party gives a damn about the flesh and blood citizens -- they care about the CORPORATE "citizens".

When our economy implodes a bit more, even our corporate "overlords" will realize the current path is a "lose-lose".

Why are so many "smart people", so many "masters of the universe" so stupid, so lacking in insight, so short sighted? When the entire planet goes into a major depression, when wars and rebellions break out across the globe -- where will they move to?

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